This is a shameful and unnecessary state of affairs for the most powerful country in the world. I am an American living in Germany, and all the Americans I know who live here are infinitely thankful to be living in a country with a comprehensive healthcare system. I was also able to experience this first-hand as the mother of two children and was able to compare it with the experiences of my sister in the U.S. who also has two children. Hearing her stories, I was quite thankful to be here.
Americans who are against universal healthcare seem to be unaware of the data and are victims of the lobbying activities of the large insurance companies and healthcare providers who profit from the lopsided system that provides top-notch healthcare to those who can afford it and little to no healthcare to the less affluent members of society.
Providing basic healthcare during pregnancy, as you point out in your article, would greatly reduce maternal and infant mortality. As usual, it is minorities who suffer most.
The great irony is that this shoddy healthcare costs more in the long run.
Thank you for this very well-researched, insightful article. I hope the people who have the power to change this will take it upon themselves to take action.